Ranking pools Eerste Divisie

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 10/1/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
25 kkd keuken 2,483 12
Knvb beker 22 2,483 11
28 Eagles Friends 2,481 15
29 Opstal wie anders 2,476 6
30 Hoppa karin 2,469 6
Hoppa Kees 2,469 6
J&R poultje kkd 2,469 8
Toto Champions League 24-25 2,469 6
Toto Conference League 24-25 2,469 6
Toto Eredivisie 24-25 2,469 6
Toto Europa League 24-25 2,469 6
Toto KKD 24-25 2,469 6
38 VAKKIE 117 🍻 2,462 12
39 Almere 2,459 5
40 BT Vorden 2,457 7
Toto Boys 2,457 7
42 Larice & Co 2,455 5
43 Awaydaysdtc 2,449 7
44 PSV Eindhoven 2,448 11
45 Bierbokaal Pool: Eredivisie 2,440 6
Bierbokaal Pool: Keuken Kampioen Divisie 2,440 7
Bierliek 2,440 10
48 Bijkeukenkampioendivisie 2,426 6
49 Dick Boomkamp KKD poule '24/25 2,416 10
50 sjaantje 2,407 7