Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
1160 Koning GetSales! 1,924 30
Nikswaard 1,924 10
Op Avontuur - EK 2024 1,924 14
Peelpartners EK 2024 1,924 15
Plannen en Rooster HUUUUUU 1,924 13
The Joankes 1,924 12
Toekanpioen EK 24 1,924 60
Van Binsbergen 1,924 18
VV Spaubeek 1,924 63
Whyellow EK Pool 2024 1,924 21
1186 Biermaten EK 2024 1,923 24
De_derde_helft 1,923 18
Eintracht CZW 1,923 39
EK 2024 CP MD/LP 1,923 99
EK 2024 poule/ let op de vragen ! 1,923 19
EK Poule KLM 1,923 27
Eredivisie cp MD/LP 23/24 1,923 35
Kameraden 1,923 14
Kampong 14 Koningen 1,923 17
Klinische farmacie CWZ 1,923 49
MMG 1,923 7
Oosterweelknoop 1,923 25
Oranje BNA 1,923 14
Poli oncologie 1,923 22
rcl 1,923 18