Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
147 FC De Zorggroep 1,922 73
Hollandridderkerk 1,922 27
SIG Benelux 1,922 56
154 Bondscoaches van de Tivoli 1,921 53
IC EK 2024 Voetbalpoule 1,921 52
ML EK 2024 Prono 1,921 21
Vink Kunststoffen B.V. 1,921 23
158 Düvelmenschen 1,920 9
ENGIE Nederland 1,920 79
Familie Waanders 1,920 52
GdV EK2024 1,920 29
Hoogenkamp 1,920 46
Weghorst AVIA 1,920 24
164 Cantharel EK-poule 1,919 60
CFF EK 2024 1,919 22
Doornenburg 1,919 23
EK Luttelgeest 1,919 26
EK Spotters 1,919 46
Immergerade aus 1,919 15
Mega-11-pool 1,919 34
Potskampioenen 1,919 53
ROC van Twente Sport en Bewegen 1,919 158
Shoebabys 1,919 68
Valken 4 & friends 1,919 24
175 De Arcanjers 1,918 31