Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
1195 Score-Forward 1,590 18
Start EK 2024 1,590 17
S'woerd 1,590 21
Talpa Digital EK Poule 🏟️ 1,590 43
The Joankes 1,590 12
van der Werf - EK 2024 1,590 10
Vermaat EK Poule 1,590 25
Verzuimbeheer 1,590 11
Villa Volonté EK Poule 1,590 29
VWS A7 1,590 32
Zwienen 1,590 12
1237 Baardwijk Turkgucu 1,589 10
Ballie boys 1,589 11
BeSharp Experts - EK Voetbalpoule 2024 1,589 19
BouwInfosys EK poule 2024 1,589 26
Brocacef2024 1,589 29
De echte voetbalkenners 1,589 31
De Huidjes 1,589 23
De_derde_helft 1,589 18
dit keer wel een bbq 1,589 11
DRtwente 1,589 30
EFP EK POULE 2024 1,589 18
EK Kippenvel in Barneveld 1,589 17
EK Pool 2024 Ravensburger 1,589 16
EK Poule Marmaris+ 1,589 14