Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
2007 Slomp & de Graaf 2,083 15
Tapir 2,083 14
Team de Bonth 2,083 20
The Great Escape - Part 2 2,083 17
Uhuhuhuhu 2,083 19
Uniper EK 2024 2,083 25
Van Schie Poule EK 2024 2,083 16
Visboys 2,083 14
Voets Specialiteiten EK poule 2,083 37
Wortell EK poule 2,083 18
Yves en de rest 2,083 7
2037 CAS EK Poule 2024 2,082 21
DBBO DH 2,082 33
Deutschland, was gibt? 2,082 11
Doevedevisie 2,082 17
Duinrand S 3 EK Poule 2,082 15
EK 2024 Maartensdijk e.o. 2,082 16
Ek Poule Babayan 2,082 9
EK053 2,082 17
Kampioenen Kabinet 2,082 20
KoningToto EK2024 poule 2,082 19
Legends EK ‘24 2,082 30
NOVEC EK Pool 2024 2,082 22
NOVO EK POULE 2024 2,082 20