Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
13582 LBJ 1,863 8
Mop mop gas erop 1,863 9
NEDEDI 1,863 15
Netherlands EK Poule 1,863 12
Poule’tje met de mannen en tigo 1,863 7
Schouten-poule yesyes! 2024 1,863 9
SEBN B2B 1,863 7
Team La bocca 1,863 9
VDGM 1,863 7
Winaars 1,863 5
13612 1. FC Fussballfreunde 1,862 5
alle Hoffiesss 1,862 8
Arbo Content EK 1,862 6
Ballrs EK Poule 2024 1,862 6
Berkel-Uut-Maas 1,862 6
Buurtpoul! 1,862 5
De daggoes: Buitenspel 1,862 7
De Homeloma’s 1,862 12
De Irakese gokkers 1,862 9
De Poule van tante Flits 1,862 8
De Voetballers 2024 1,862 10
DH poule 2024 1,862 10
Dumpie 1,862 6
EK 2024 (ex)Elivagar 1,862 6
Ek 2024 HS HD 1,862 12