Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
13389 Familie Wullems/ Kasius/ Jasmo/ van Zijl 999 5
FullChollerEK 999 6
Gekkebakkekeet 999 11
GLTL 999 5
Haal je toeter uit de la 999 6
HCR Teernstra 999 12
Het zooitje 999 6
Hitsige Tijgers 999 8
Houthandel Bos 999 12
Joehoe Clan 999 5
Kontje ponk EK 999 10
Kramer 999 5
Lunetten & Bunnik Forever 999 5
Maatjes van andere zaadjes01 999 8
Malloot 999 6
MEUP EK Poule 999 8
Mostert 999 15
NWA poule baby 999 6
Oude MO20-1 🥲 999 7
Ouwe Jongens Krentenbrood 999 18
Plus Ligthart 💥 999 8
Poke Pool 999 5
Pokeravond EK poule 999 9
Poule op de hoek 999 7
Praktijk EK poule 999 14