Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
10618 Niet door de poulefase 1,208 10
OIA 2024 1,208 7
PAHiCo_EURO2024 1,208 13
Partypeople 1,208 8
PH PauperPoule 1,208 7
Pittige tantes 1,208 7
Potje voetbal EK poule met extra’s! 1,208 11
Poul der pouls 1,208 10
PoulePeters 1,208 7
RKVHAC Europeez Campijoenzkap 1,208 8
SATEH! 1,208 5
Smit-Doorman ⚽️ 1,208 9
Smitjes Dorp 1,208 10
Soksambas 1,208 7
Spikeball 1,208 6
the boys 1970 1,208 11
UEFA European Cup 2024 1,208 14
Vromaaaans 1,208 12
What do we think about Tottenham: 1,208 11
Wippoldah 17-1 1,208 10
Zummer 8 1,208 8
10697 🦁 EK'24 🦁 1,207 7
0515 Champions League 1,207 6
Amicitia Da2 1,207 9
Bij elkaar geraapt zooitje 1,207 7