Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
9412 Het gevoel van 1,223 10
Het wordt prachtig, net als in 1988! 1,223 8
Hoekstra-zijlstra 1,223 9
Huisjes 1,223 8
Jackpot EK2024 1,223 12
Klagende oude mannen 1,223 6
Koopman bedrijfswagens 1,223 9
Kvva 1,223 12
LekkerLikkieLakkie 1,223 11
Leythenrode 1,223 16
Lloret mannen 1,223 6
Noobjes 1,223 5
PITPOULE 1,223 14
QATMEN 1,223 7
Qeet EK Poule 1,223 22
Siblings 1,223 6
Spik 1,223 8
Stichting De Blauwe Aap 1,223 8
Taalschool Utrecht 1,223 21
Ter Huurne 2023/2024 1,223 19
Thiemen’s bil 1,223 11
Treijtel 1,223 20
Turfkamp 1,223 9
Voetbalpraat camping 1,223 11