Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
1340 EK poule juni 2024! 1,343 20
Euro's 1,343 25
Familie Zooitje doet mee! 1,343 8
Family Ties IzaKaiSaeBae 1,343 12
FC Varenwinkel 1,343 25
Flevoland EK2024 1,343 32
Harmelen EK Poule 1,343 19
Hellema EK Pool 2024 1,343 58
Heracles vak P 1,343 19
ja dit is een goed stel hoor! 1,343 21
Jetzt gehts los 1,343 18
Jong&Laan Ams 1,343 25
JUB HOLLAND 1,343 62
Jumbo Zjwame 1,343 33
jumbo-kenners 1,343 54
kno-super EK-pool2024 1,343 29
NGK 1,343 14
PA Cupfighters 1,343 24
Philips People EK Poule 2024 1,343 19
Quadient-Nederland 1,343 11
Seegers 1,343 14
Van Wijnen Haarlemmermeer BV 1,343 26
VWS A7 1,343 32
W&I Veenendaal 1,343 39
WEBB POOL 1,343 23