Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
17270 IBB 1,460 5
Kirsten Linhoetoe 1,460 5
Linhoetoe 1,460 8
Management assistenten 1,460 7
Niet instappen! 1,460 6
Pim Pam Petters 1,460 8
The Dutch boys in Lisboa die NL zien winnen 1,460 5
Voorspellende Gasten 1,460 7
17284 De latei 1,459 7
De Oranjebewaarders 1,459 7
Ek 2024 helle helle delft 1,459 15
EK 2024, Duitsland 1,459 6
EK ballie 2024 1,459 10
Familie + Favo schoonzoon EK 24 1,459 8
Familie Mensen 1,459 6
HSM United 1,459 7
Rrrrenzooo 1,459 5
17293 Amsteloosies 1,458 5
Balletje 1,458 7
De Koetjesss 1,458 6
De punters 1,458 10
Dios 1,458 5
Ek 2028 1,458 9
Ek poul 2024 Duitsland 1,458 5
EK24-MAXIMATOR 1,458 7