Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
12620 Majkol Essiën 1,546 5
Mattiez 1,546 8
Neighbourfutt Langenbenden 1,546 8
ParelWEGhorst 1,546 7
Plezier in prestaties 1,546 11
Pokeren 1,546 5
POV: Storm get backshots by fake teacher 1,546 9
RPG 1,546 15
Saar, Jos & de wuppies 1,546 5
STREM 1,546 5
Team C 1,546 9
Team Verbinding 1,546 8
Thijs Keukens 1,546 7
Turfstekers 1,546 8
V. Boxtel 1,546 12
V6 1,546 12
VA / DBD 1,546 9
Van bruggetje 1,546 13
Voetbalkenners Stennis 1,546 7
Voortschrijdend Inzicht 1,546 8
Vret 1,546 9
WEBO 1,546 9
Wouw de Smollies 1,546 10
Zion 1,546 6