Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
12172 Stummel 1,554 7
Sycade 1,554 7
Team La bocca 1,554 9
Team Pellikaan 1,554 9
TRALERT 1,554 10
Transafe 2024 1,554 16
Vak 310 1,554 8
Vloerkledenloods! 1,554 7
Voetbalchaos 1,554 22
Weinsteint 1,554 8
weloveyouraf 1,554 7
Wilskracht EK pooltje 1,554 5
Zwanebloem 1,554 7
12239 🟠🟠_EK 2024_🟠🟠 1,553 8
36 jaar na dato 1,553 11
B&B Transport poule 1,553 15
Beekkant 1,553 6
Ben & friends ek 2024 poule 1,553 7
Bleiswijk boykies + andere 1,553 10
Boelie poulie 1,553 8
Boschwijk 1,553 7
château les sept buissons! 1,553 6
Curacao 2024 1,553 6
De Muldershof EK 2024 1,553 8
De slechters 2.0 1,553 5