Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
11114 Chantal’s fapclub 1,684 6
Chosselaars 1,684 12
Customer Digital 1,684 16
De gekken Belgen en de 2 Nederlanders 1,684 5
ek 2024 met nadia 1,684 7
EK 24 - Vd Biggelaar 1,684 10
EK poule - HAAS 1,684 8
F.C. Knudde 1,684 8
Familie hofsink 1,684 12
FB EK voetbalpoule 1,684 22
FC Hoorn/Harderwijk 1,684 11
Flynth Apeldoorn 1,684 12
Formsmaatjes 1,684 5
Hoertjezz 1,684 8
Huize Pip&Planet 1,684 6
Kapperallee 1,684 9
Lama’s 1,684 8
Laurant Groep - SGH - PWH 1,684 10
Leythenrode 1,684 16
Lodder Financials EK 2024 1,684 15
MannenWeekendEK2024 1,684 6
Mulderij 1,684 5
Nooijkes 1,684 12
Poolbillies 1,684 6