Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
7971 Bullshit 1,475 10
Cuba ek2024 poule 1,475 14
De beste voorspeller 1,475 8
De bondscoaches vanaf de bank 1,475 13
De Hennies 1,475 6
De Kabath Voetbalhelden 1,475 11
De Sfeertuin 1,475 10
De squad 1,475 9
De Terschelling fanaten 1,475 5
Dikke 1,475 15
Dikke lul 3 bier 1,475 8
Drostuuuh EK 2024 1,475 12
DUO communicatie 1,475 11
Eethuys crew 1,475 18
EK 2024 VerhelderGroenBeheer 1,475 12
EK 2024 WIJ6EN 1,475 6
EK Holendrecht 1,475 23
EK poeltje met zuiperds 1,475 15
EK poule oranje 1,475 10
EK WC Connie 1,475 12
EK2024 (DeVriesjes) 1,475 7
Ek2024 (fam) 1,475 11
EK2024 poule met zweetband 1,475 6
Epidemiology Dep. 1,475 16
FamiliePoulEK2024 1,475 9