Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
6697 GOfun EK Poule 1,750 9
Gradyent 1,750 15
Gravitas/Qonect 1,750 11
Gwon Wernhout poultje 1,750 8
Hella Poule 1,750 8
Hermanos Poule⚽️ 1,750 9
HK Zoetje goes Europe 1,750 6
Is het al weekend? 1,750 10
Jeu de EK-poules 1,750 7
Jones en de rest 1,750 9
Kartel je weet wel 1,750 13
KdW EK 2024 1,750 15
Kemari - EK 2024 1,750 13
Kingscoy 1,750 22
Knupelcafe de pilspado 1,750 9
Memphis' zweetband 1,750 9
OCI EU 1,750 18
Pride and Honour EK 2024 1,750 6
Primaplan Ek2024 Poule 1,750 11
PRLG Samenlevingszaken c.a. 1,750 19
PUTTEN EK POULE 2024 1,750 15
Racing 1,750 13
Regillo Karthaus Army 1,750 6
Resia_Eredivisie 1,750 12
Ritense EK 2024 1,750 7