Individual ranking All competitions

In this ranking the points of ALL competitions are counted. Between brackets the total number of points scored this week (if there is a match played this week) is displayed. Additional predictions are not included in this total. In case there are no matches this week, the total number of points scored in the last week a match has been played are shown.

Position Change User Points
36,623 +805
10 +10
10 +10
The Bosz
10 +10
the Brick
Rik Brink
10 +10
the chucky’s
Tim Baars
10 +10
The DBteam
Douwe Boerstra
10 +10
The DEVIL’s😈
Stephan Landeweer
10 +10
The Don 1972
10 +10
The Don.
10 0
The Dutch Legends
Chris van der Mei
10 +10
10 +10
10 +10
the GOAT=CR7
10 +10
10 +10
10 +10
The Maurinator
10 +10
The Mausers
10 +10
10 +5
The Nice
10 +10
10 +10
The Pigeonmans
Youri Duijverman
10 +10
The Rapid Devils
David Brabandts
10 +10
10 +10
The red card Rebels
Jurjen V Smeden
10 +10
10 +10