- How do I start my own pool?
- How do I enter or change my predictions?
- How can I change my details such as password or email address?
- How can I earn points?
- How can I invite friends, family or colleagues to join my pool?
- For the match of the day, do I predict the first goal scorer of the match or for each team?
- Can I still sign up if a competition or tournament has already started?
- Can I participate in multiple pools at the same time?
- When are the match results available?
- What does a gold medal/coin next to someone’s name mean?
- How can I unsubscribe from a pool?
- How can I sign up for another competition (e.g. Champions League)?
- Can I participate in multiple competitions such as the Eredivisie and Champions League?
- How can I unsubscribe from a specific competition?
- I want to (not) receive emails if I forget to submit my predictions.
- How can I sign up for a pool?
- How can I delete my account?
- How do I delete my own pool?
- How do I add a photo next to my messages?
- For the match of the day there’s a dash for the goal scorer and no one scored, yet I didn’t receive points! Why?
- How can I change the details (e.g. name) of my pool?
- How can I remove a participant from my pool?
- How can I hide messages in my pool from other participants not in my pool?
- How can I hide my predictions from others?
- What does the line mean in my pool ranking (e.g. between number 5 and 6)?
- Can I transfer the management/organization of a pool?
- We play in our pool with a prize pot/entry fee/money. Can I register the payments?
- Can I start or stop the point tallying in my pool earlier or later?